A great place to find a convenient hotel
or motel during your visit to Port Angeles. Includes
a complete listing of Port Angeles area hotels, motels,
dining, shopping and area attractions.
Compare Swain's with internet retailers for no wait availability, thousands of products here for immediate pickup!
Keep updated about Swain's hours and pickup options. Call us for any questions or to set up a contact less pickup of essential needs.
We have leisure and work wear and footwear for all your needs.
We have no contact pickup available, call 360-452-2357 Help Line. Now no masks required in the store.
Are you ready for The Big One or a Tsunami? We have storage bins for your emergency items, propane stoves, heaters, lanterns, fuel, dehydrated food, shelters, flashlights, and batteries.
Baking, cooking, or canning? Check out our Housewares Department for the latest cookware, dishware, gadgets, and kitchen appliances.
DIYers, we have a complete line of fasteners and builders hardware.
Our paint department is ready to advise you on your painting projects, inside or out, with a new color matching computer and painting accessories.
Attention sportmen! Check out our complete camping department, including stoves, lanterns, cookware, backpacks, sleeping bags, fishing rods & tackle, ice chests, and anything else you may need.
Need a key duplicated? See our Key Krafter system. We can duplicate most keys, including Flip, High-security and Sidewinder keys, program a new replacement fob, etc..
With nearly 60 miles of wilderness coastline,
world class rivers, temperate rainforests and a host
of wildlife, the West Side of the Olympic Peninsula
is an ideal year-round destination.
Your "one-stop" travel guide
to Washington state lodging, recreation, attractions
and destinations, travel services, culture, history,
and local products.